Acupuncture for the Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Please note:
Acupuncture may be used for the side effects of conventional cancer treatment and for some of the symptoms of cancer, but it is not used to address the cancer itself.



Derek Climpson has worked at a London hospice since 2010 using Acupuncture to treat outpatients who are cancer survivors and inpatients who are receiving palliative care.


Examples of What People Say

Breast Cancer survivor recommended by her local hospice

As a recovering cancer sufferer, it was recommended to me  that I have (traditional) acupuncture to help with my rehabilitation. The treatment I received from Derek has been of the highest quality and has definitely helped with my recovery. This also included successful acupuncture treatment on my lower back, knee, thumb, arm and shoulder.


Colon Cancer – Chemotherapy

Half way through a course of NHS chemotherapy for colon cancer, I was experiencing  numbness and tingling in my hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy), fatigue and low mood.

I decided to try traditional acupuncture with Derek Climpson. The acupuncture has greatly improved my symptoms and helped me regain a feeling of control and wellbeing.



Research Evidence

Cancer Care

Please click here.

Palliative Care

Please click here.