What People Say About Acupuncture in Essex

The following testimonials have been given in writing with name and address supplied.

Acid reflux and digestive problems

I was suffering with acid reflux, digestive problems and constipation. I was also feeling weak and debilitated as I was unable to keep food down and eat a reasonable diet when  a friend recommended I try Acupuncture.

I was pleasantly surprised that there was no discomfort with the needles. Week by week my digestive system improved, my stomach could handle a wider range of food, constipation ceased. My stamina, wellbeing and ability to cope with life improved. I would not hesitate in recommending Acupuncture in general and Derek in particular.


Chronic Sciatica

A detailed medical history was taken prior to the start of treatment, which was explained thoroughly. Very professional. My back is now good, stiffness is minimal and now no sciatic pain. Very happy with the results so far. Thank you.  Retired Orthopaedic surgeon.


Ulcerative Colitis

For the past 3 years + I have suffered ulcerative colitis and have been looking to improve my condition and minimise the use of drugs including steroids.  Acupuncture has greatly reduced my sysmptoms of pain and discomfort and frequency of visits to the toilet – so much so that my use of prescribed drugs has already been reduced by 40% – and I hope will reduce further as I continue my Acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture makes me feel in control of  Ulcerative Colitis rather than the condition controlling me.


I suffered for 10 years with severe ulcerative colitis, with almost constant flare ups. This consisted of loose bowels, constant diarrhoea, urgency for the bathroom, blood and mucus in stools. My gastroenterologist could only give me medication such as steroids to ease my condition, but this brought with it many side effects such as change in body shape, moon face, arthritis and osteoporosis.  My friend’s mother suffered with ulcerative colitis and swore she was helped by acupuncture. I was very keen to try it for myself.

I think it was about 3 months that I noticed a huge difference in my overall health and wellbeing.

I was able to eat and keep the food in without losing it straight away. I felt comfortable to start going out again. I felt I had a lot more energy, as I had been constantly tired all the time.
Since I have been going to Acupuncture regularly, everyone has noticed my improved health . I rarely have a day off sick which is a big improvement. If I eat something that disagrees with me, rather than being ill for months and it triggered my colitis, I can now bounce back within a few days, like a normal healthy person.


I have been having sessions of Acupuncture for several months and have found it beneficial in many ways.  It is helping stabilise the colitis I have suffered from for many years with not si much distress and discomfort first thing in the morning.  There’s the odd bad patch but these seem less frequent.


I was recommended to try acupuncture for my ulcerative colitis (UC) by my dad. This is a condition I have suffered from since I was 12 (I’m now 24 – so quite a long time!) and have found that I am able to manage my condition for the most part, however when flare ups occur (particularly in times of stress), medication can take a long time to be effective.

Since having acupuncture I have seen a significant improvement in my UC to the point where I had a recent job interview and did not suffer a flare up – something in the past which would definitely have caused me some uncomfortable symptoms! Derek is great at explaining what he is doing and why, as well as also recommending diet/lifestyle changes to approach the treatment in a holistic way.   I would 100% suggest trying acupuncture for anyone with Ulcerative Colitis.


Breast Cancer and Joint problems.

As a recovering cancer sufferer, it was recommended to me that I have Acupuncture to help with my rehabilitation. The treatment I received from Derek has been of the highest quality and has definitely helped with my recovery. This also included successful acupuncture treatment on my lower back, knee, thumb, arm and shoulder.


Sinus and Knee problems, weight loss.

I got a new lease of life from Acupuncture. After the first treatment, both knees improved, sinuses unblocked and my energy levels rose exponentially. As a result of following advice on lifestyle to the letter, I lost weight and felt so much better in every way. I can recommend acupuncture unreservedly and owe Derek a debt of gratitude.



Since my teens, I have always had an irregular menstrual cycle varying from 35-72 days and when I wanted to get pregnant had struggled to conceive.  Being reluctant to take strong fertility drugs I decided to try acupunture.

Over 4 months my menstrual cycle gradually became more regular settling around 30 days at which point I fell pregnant.  I definitely would recommend Acupuncture to anyone struggling with fertility.’


‘Thank you for the acupuncture Derek that I had alongside my IVF treatment.  Good news!  I’m pregnant.  Can’t thank you enough!’


‘Just to let you know I did a pregnancy test this morning and it has come back positive – so happy.  Thank you so much for everything you have done’.


I was looking to start acupuncture as a final resort before starting IVF treatment for my second baby. After years of infertility and recommendations of acupuncture I began to research local acupuncture clinics and came across Derek’s clinic. After reading a huge amount of positive reviews I got in contact with Derek.

After 4 months of meeting with Derek every week, I was absolutely over the moon to get my first positive pregnancy test after 3 years of trying!

I  will be forever grateful for the service that Derek provided for me. His attention to detail, determination and professional knowledge to be able to leave me in my fortunate position today. I would absolutely recommended Derek!

I highly recommend Derek as an acupuncturist. He is extremely thorough and ensures his treatment fits your needs. He worked wonders on relaxing my body ahead of fertility treatment ending in a positive result first time!  Thanks Derek

Tennis Elbow

I had two sessions of Acupuncture aimed at reducing pain in my forearm (tennis elbow – epicondylitis) which I had had for 2 months following a week of digging out tree roots.

The sessions reduced the level of pain down to an ‘ache’ and with further rest had gone within a month.

The result I have experienced indicate to me that Acupuncture could help to reduce or eliminate pain in cases where a traditional medical approach has failed to deliver any improvement in the condition.



I have been having sessions of Acupuncture for several months and have found it beneficial in many ways.

It is helping stabilise the colitis I have suffered from for many years with not so much distress and discomfort first thing in the morning. There’s the odd bad patch but these seem less frequent.


Anxiety and Depression

Before Acupuncture, I was with the GP for Anxiety and Depression. I had no warmth in my body, no strength or energy.

Now I feel very warm, have got strength and lots of energy back. I feel more focussed and relaxed.



I have had a series of acupuncture sessions with Derek aimed at relieving sinus pain, a recurring problem for me. The sessions resulted in a substantial reduction in the feeling of pressure around the sinus area and in particular produced a feeling that my head was much clearer instead of feeling congested.



Arthritis in some joints can be overcome by replacement surgery but not when the neck is affected!

For a time I relied on painkillers but on the recommendation of a relative, I commenced a course of Acupuncture – the treatment of skilfully inserting and then withdrawing needles into precise locations in the body. This treatment with some associated exercises of the neck, changed a very painful and limited neck movement into the ability to move my neck from side to side with ease and confidence.

Top marks for the Acupuncturist whose skill has made life and movement so much better.


Arthritis of the knee

I was very sceptical about the benefits of Acupuncture but gave it a try when my arthritic knees became especially painful. After two treatments they were so much better and I have almost stopped the anti-inflammatory drug which normally I needed to keep me pain free.
Since then I have had further treatments for a variety of conditions and find that as well as helping to control my symptoms, my health has improved.
To anyone who is thinking about trying Acupuncture I would say, ‘ Give it a go – you have nothing to lose.’



I was recommended to try acupuncture by a friend.  I have been a sufferer of severe debilitating migraines for 51 years but with acupuncture I now have them under control. No longer am I plagued by them or struck down by them at the most inconvenient times.  The relief I have been given is something I have never known. I now have a life.


I used to get headaches daily , sometimes twice a day, and tried medication from the GP and reflexology without success.

Friends suggested I try Acupuncture which I did and the headaches decreased to the point that in the last two months, I am pleased to say, I’ve only had 2 headaches.

I was put in contact with Derek via my Mum who has also been treated by him, and she recommended that he might be able to help me to reduce my headaches and migraines.  Having been a migraine sufferer for many years, there is little I haven’t tried to rid of them.  Whenever I used to get a headache or migraine, pain killers were the only thing that appeared to help, although sometimes not at all, but acupuncture was something I hadn’t tried.

Derek was very informative on how he was looking to treat my headaches, explaining where he was using the needles and why, which is very interesting.  Following several regular sessions I am pleased to say that my headaches have absolutely improved. it’s without a doubt money well spent for improving my health.  I would highly recommend Derek if you are looking for an acupuncturist.  He is friendly, warming and educational.


Back Pain

My wife who has acupuncture suggested I try acupuncture. With severe back pain, I hobbled into Derek’s treatment room aided by a walking stick and painkillers. After 3 weeks of once weekly treatment I was pain free and no longer required walking stick or painkillers.


Back pain following car accident

I was in a car accident back in December 2018 and I suffered a back, shoulder and neck injury. 2 years down the line I was still in pain. It was really affecting my life and ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

I was given physiotherapy after the accident which did not help at all and actually put me off trying other therapies. I finally got to the stage where something had to be done. A friend recommended acupuncture and I am so glad I listened.

Derek has been amazing in supporting me. He has listened and help me to get back to my old self.


Colon Cancer – Chemotherapy

Half way through a course of NHS chemotherapy for colon cancer, I was experiencing  numbness and tingling in my hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy), fatigue and low mood.

I decided to try traditional acupuncture with Derek Climpson. The acupuncture has greatly improved my symptoms and helped me regain a feeling of control and wellbeing.


Motion / travel sickness

I have recently tried acupuncture to target my motion sickness. This is something I have suffered from for my whole life, and it can be quite limiting when going on holidays that involve a lot of travelling, as I do not like taking travel sickness medication more than once a week due to the side effects it causes.  Since trying acupuncture I have seen a decrease in my symptoms of motion sickness that lasts for around 2 weeks at a time – this is very helpful for going away on holiday!

Acupuncture is something I’ve found to be a great experience that has effects beyond the treatment that the session is targeting – I’ve found that it leaves me with an energy boost that gives me the feeling of being able to run a marathon!!   Could not recommend Derek more!
