How can acupuncture benefit me?

Traditional Acupuncture will help to improve a wide range of health concerns. The main emphasis in treatment is on finding the root cause of the problem and enabling the body’s innate healing powers to work effectively.

Unfortunately, new advertising rules introduced in 2011 in the UK mean that Acupuncturists are no longer allowed to publish the full range of conditions that may benefit from acupuncture treatment.

Please therefore telephone Derek Climpson on 07702 631259 if you would like to discuss whether acupuncture may help your condition.

More information

You can get more information on the scientific research into the effectiveness of acupuncture by visiting the following links:

The British Acupuncture Council – Research
The Journal of Chinese Medicine – Diseases
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence – Quick reference guide: Low back pain

World Health Organization – Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials.

Diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture