How does Acupuncture work?

Traditional Acupuncture’s approach is holistic:

It views our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health as interdependent. The factor that unites the whole person is our vital energy , known as Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) which flows through a network of interconnected channels from head to toe and at all levels within us.

When this energy is out of balance and cannot flow freely, pain and illness occur. This flow can be disturbed for instance, by trauma, poor diet, drugs, climate, emotion or hereditary factors.

Acupuncturists aim to correct the flow of energy (Qi) by inserting fine needles into selected acupuncture points along the channels which stimulate the body’s own healing response. Acupuncture aims to deal with the cause of our health problems where possible, by treating the whole person, not just treating specific symptoms in isolation.

Origins of Acupuncture

Traditional Acupuncture originated in China and is a healthcare system based on ancient principles which go back 2500 years.  It can be used  in combination with western medicine or as a stand -alone therapy.

Acupuncture did not become widely known in the West until 1971, when US President Nixon visited China and one of his aides fell ill and the journalists accompanying him publicised the therapy’s effectiveness in his treatment.

It  is now practised all over the world and is rapidly gaining popularity in the UK. The integration of modern technology with ancient Chinese methods has led to a therapy which is effective and up to date.
